Thursday, May 16, 2024



A day excursion on the train

We've had sandwiches and flasks of tea,

So lets just hope it doesn't rain,

We're going to the Jubilee!

Quickly - there's the guard's last call,

There's hardly room for you and me.

But no one seems to mind at all

We're going to the Jubilee!

Look mm over there, she's dressed

In Union Jacks and flags like me;

Hush dear please don't be a pest,

We're all going to the Jubilee!

Grandma tells us that she saw

The coronation on TV

With Mrs Bright who lived next door,

She's going to the Jubilee!

They say there will be more ships moored

Along the Thames for all to see

Than Handel's time or George 111.

And they went to the Jubilee!

And in years to come will they

Take their children on their knee

To recall, as we today,

How we went to the Jubilee!

Brian Hick May 2012

©copyright  Sally Hick 16.5.24

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