Wednesday, June 19, 2024

 1188 Isle of  Wight - various oddments (1)


What did he think as

He climbed aboard the skiff that

Last time for Victory?

A green woodpecker,

In the rain, casually

Pecks up unseen ants.

Hannah is crabbing

I have the line and

The ham, Sally the bucket;

Hannah is crabbing

Red whiskered bulbul

With a Mohican haircut.

A red-headed bird from

The Antiques Roadshow.

We read labels, ticked off what we saw,

Amused by birds who tweeted and a pair

Of copulating tortoises....

Thank you for being at the water's edge

Meeting me where harbour footings thrash...

Brian Hick July 2012 (holidaying with our granddaughter on the Isle of Wight) 

©Sally Hick 19.6.24

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