Monday, June 17, 2024


Magic Forest

A magic forest, so I looked for You

In the Serpent's  Nest and Mystic Pond

The Indian Totem and the forest view;

But it seemed that You were far beyond

These tricks, which made me feel the You were there;

For all I found, thought pleasant, was the art

Of conjuring the surreal from the air

When all the time, You kept from me apart.

Deep in the woods the deer cropped unconcerned,

The peacocks lurked for snacks by picnic tables,

Sheep rambled the vineyards, while I yearned

To find You in the midst of ancient fables.

Then I heard you laugh - Can you not see

That everything you look upon - is Me.

Brian Hick July 2012

©copyright Sally Hick 17.6.24

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