Friday, January 5, 2024


Class Christmas

The Neptune lounge allowed for chat

Around the edges as we sat

After dinner, with a brandy,

Which the waiters, always handy,

Brought to us in double measure

So that we had time to treasure

The entertainments of the night

Which left us feeling all was right.

While Hastings Angling Club might be

A cheerful place beside the sea

It's not a venue for a choir

Given acoustics that are dire

Showing up each flattened note

Or hesitation while you grope

Towards the line and wonder whether

You'll end in the same key together.

Christmas is a time for hope

So maybe next year there'll be scope

To bring the Class back to the form

From which this wandering group was born.

Brian Hick January 2012

©copyright Sally Hick 5.1.24

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