Friday, March 31, 2023



'Do not wear your glasses in the morning

When you take a shower, for you will see

All the black mould clinging to the grouting

And hairs stuck to the bowl with drying pee.'

If you think that you're creating

Imaginary people in your verse

Do not share this with a wife whose thinking

Assumes you're writing about her - or worse!

Brian Hick March 2011

©copyright Sally Hick 21.3.23

Wednesday, March 29, 2023


Late March - mid week

The tables empty and the afternoon drifts on.

It's not yet summer warmth buth the clear sky

And unexpected brightness of the sun

Lull me into thoughts of mid July.

Scattered tourists squat upon the beach

Or stroll in clusters by the burnt out pier,

While last year's  language students teach

Newcomers how to drink our English beer.

Saga parties fill the Whiterock bar

Preferrint it to walking on the prom

Where they have heard of feral youths who scar

The seafront, picking fights and doing wrong.

          As for me, I'll sit here with a pint

          Of Harvey's as it drifts towards twilight.

Brian Hick Late March 2011

©copyright Sally Hick 29.3.23

Monday, March 27, 2023


I came to you for simple understanding

In friendship, rather than imposed command;

I hoped that you would follow in my footsteps

To love as I loved, trying to understand

How even those who hated you had value

And no one was beyond redemptive love.

But now it seems I might have been too hopeful

For humankind, where Peace, that gentle dove,

Can only be assured by blooded weapons

And violence precedes the enforced calm.

The footsteps that I left seem to lie empty

With few there seeking for insight or balm,

While masses flock to massacre the innocent,

Slaughtering, to gain a martyr's palm.

Brian Hick March 2011

©copyright Sally Hick 27.3.23

Friday, March 24, 2023


A herd of roe deer

Ambling in the twilight across

A field near Wadhurst.

Brian Hick March 2011

©copyright Sally Hick 24.3.23

Wednesday, March 22, 2023


A small boy stops and

Says Hello to the sparrows;

My morning brightens.

Brian Hick March 2011

©copyright Sally Hick 22.3.23

Monday, March 20, 2023



The sun is up but still low in the east,

Flowing through the tops of Shorndean trees

With gentle warmth to melt away the mist.

The sun is up.

 At the water's edge the wavelets ease

Themselves onto the beach, a single twist

White-edged, before they sink and softly tease

The shingle; empty deck-chairs quite insist

It's not too soon to simply  sit and seize

This turning point to summer's coming bliss.

The sun is up.

Brian Hick March 2011

©copyright Sally Hick 20.3.23

Friday, March 17, 2023


If I accept that I can never know

Any more than this small human brain,

With its hardwired synaptic flow,

Can compass in the brief years that remain,

How on earth can I make sense of you

Who saturate my soul and fill my heart

With joy, beyond my meagre means to show,

And love's uncomprehended, enearned dart?

Words alone can only go so far

Confusing at the instant that they reach

A willing ear, where cold semantics jar

The mind, searching beyond what words might teach

          And all the while the universe runs on

          In conscious hope, as when it first begun.

Brian Hick March 2011

©copyright Sally Hick 17.3.23

Wednesday, March 15, 2023


I came up to say

Goodbye, but you were snoring

So I sneaked away.

Brian Hick March 2011

©copyright Sally Hick 15.3.23

Monday, March 13, 2023


You are the elsewhere that has come to me

The un-thought thought, unreasonable rhyme,

Sudden unexpected inspriration,

Illogically divorced from place and time;

And yet you sing to me of chance perfection,

Of hope that goes beyond the written word

Turning all our plans and expectations

Into a dream which laughs at the absurd.

Why would I want to pin down this elation

With law and ritual meanly devised

By narrow-minded human misconception

Of all that is, because it's not espied

By scientific means or interception,

When all I need is streaming from the skies?

Brian Hick March 2011

©copyright Sally Hick 13.3.23

Friday, March 10, 2023


So many Russians

Down for breakfast with their dogs;

Must be this year's Crufts.

Brian Hick March 2011

©copyright Sally Hick 10.3.23

Wednesday, March 8, 2023


There was a time when I could simply write

What came to mind regardless of its worth

And, for my part, it seemed the very sight

Of lines upon a page laid out in verse

Were more than compensation for the time

It took to wrestle with the words and form;

And even if it didn't always rhyme

It pleased because you liked what I had drawn

From walking to the station, or the sight

Of distant starlings, foxes padding round,

Brief memories of childhood, sudden bright

Awareness, insight, caught if not profound.

          But now I seem to scrap more than I keep

          Wishing it more meaningful and deep.

Brian Hick March 2011

©copyright Sally Hick 8.3.23

Tuesday, March 7, 2023


Three deaf people next

To me on train; the air

Is filled with laughter.

Brian Hick March 2011

©copyright Sally Hick 7.3.23

Friday, March 3, 2023


Last time we saw a W N O

Fledermaus we had

Bats in the kitchen

When we got home.

Brian hick March 2011

Sally Hick ©copyright 3.3.23

(W N O Welsh National Opera)

Wednesday, March 1, 2023



The sky is bright and clear, but in the street

Thick frost clings to windscreens and headlights,

Yet bushes glisten as the early sun

Melts away the frosting of the night

Turning a Winter memory into Spring

In one unnoticed moment as I stride

Towards the station, unaware of ice

Which lurks in shadows on platform or track-side.

A watercolour haze of wet on wet

Drifts the tree line as far as I can see

Merging the familiar into one

Free flowing canvas, as if it had begun

To recreate a world of ease for me

Back to a time before we ever met.

Brian Hick March 2011 with a note written at the side of a printed copy for me to read through as usual. I like this because for once it's not my voice and the 'you' is definately not you in the final line!! X

©copyright Sally Hick 1.3.23