Timon of Athens
Back to the old, old problem - this blank page
With little swilling round worth putting down;
Nothing to provoke my bile or rage
Against a world grown comfortable and calm.
So here I sit for Timon at the National;
A pensioners' matinee, so all around
Have come to pass their time with something rational,
Uplifting, intellectual and profound.
But from the stage, acid edged invective
Cuts to the nerve and burns off the veneer
Of niceness, while our bland and ineffective
Polititians preen themselves and cheer.
All hope for our future surely dies
When life is nought but hypocrisy and lies.
So, life is shit, and
All that we can do with it
Is smash and destroy.
Brian Hick September 2012
©copyright Sally Hick 27.8.24